"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled."


Celebration of Baisakhi (April)
(Singing & Dancing)


Closing Day Ceremony (May)
Story Telling Competition


Welcoming Day (July)
Hand Writing Competition


Independence day Celebration
Speeches, Poetry, Rakhi Making Competition, Poetical Recitation


Teacher Day Celebrations
Speeches & Card Making Competition, Painting Competition.


Gandhi Jayanti Celebrations
Speeches, Story Writing, Competition
Diwali Card Making Competition Speeches.


Painting Competition
New Year Card making, Christmas Celebrations


Dance Competition, Speeches on Republic Day.


Fancy Dress Competition.


Important Information: 

- Check the school diary daily. The diary forms a link between the school authorities and the parents.

- Sign messages, report cards or other documents when requested to do so.

- Children must be encouraged to do their home work by themselves. It is important that the children develop a habit of working on their own. However parental guidance is important.

- It is imperative for parents to attend all Parent/Teacher meeting. The management will take a serious view of parents regularly absenting themselves from such meeting, or those who show dis-interest or unconcern towards their child’s educatio.

- Though every possible care is taken, while the child is in the school. However the school will not be held responsible for any mishap beyond their control in the school.

- A teacher should not be criticized in front of the child, as it undermines his/her respect for the teacher and the school. Should you have a legitimate complaint, please meet the Principal.

- Pupil’s name will be struck off from the rolls if dues remain unpaid for 2 months. Re-admission if granted will only be when all previous dues are cleared.

- Parents and guardians should not visit their wards or teachers in the classroom without the permission of the Principal.

- The Childern are encoureged to carry their tiffin boxes with healthy Snacks.

- Encourage your child to talk with you. He is full of new experiences to share and stories to tell.

- Help your child to use good language towards others.

- Inclucate in your child the reading habit. Encourage him to read library books and buy him books as incentives.

- Television can be fun and help your child learn. Television viewing should be planned regularly around programmes made for children. Watch television along with your child and talk about what you've seen.

- Share your hobbies with him and help him to inculcate one.

- Plan outdoor activities with your children and his friends.

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